

  •  Jonathon Lawrence, Headteacher,  Sir James Smith School, Camelford:

    “They loved you! I was talking to some staff just today, they were chatting about some of the things you said. That’s impressive – they forget what I say almost immediately!”


    JW, Trainee GP Litchdon Street Surgery Barnstaple:

    “I’m sure loads of people rave about your talks and sessions, and the good things I heard about you were indeed well founded.  That was a session that so many people would benefit highly from, and I found it one of the most useful in my education so far.  Thank you for your time, and keep doing what you do (not that you need telling as your enthusiasm shines through as it is).”


    Sue Tysall, Headteacher, Woodbridge Park Education Service (KS1-4 PRU), Hounslow

    “Many thanks for an enjoyable CPD day, and what an impact this had on my staff.

    “My staff were buzzing tonight, quotes of the day: ‘Best Inset we have ever had.’ ‘Thought Provoking!’  ‘When is Di coming back?’  ‘Can she work with our hard to reach students?’  ‘Can we do some further work on consequence mapping?’  ‘Can we do some further work on scripts for behaviour?’  ‘Can we do some further work around mental health?’  The list was endless!”


    Kirstie Oliver, Assistant Head, Penryn College, Cornwall

    “Di Lobbett is uniquely inspirational in her top rate knowledge and relatable humour regarding the teenage brain and behaviour.

    “The initial training day was like an awakening for both old dogs and new to learn tricks.

    “Anecdotally you are taken on a trip by Di, which combines theoretical and practical understanding in such an accessible way that you are served food for the brain with immediately useful ways to apply your new found knowledge.

    “This training ‘sticks’ and has been the most useful teaching guidance I have ever had. It can change behaviours and can shape an entire school.

    “Di continues to inspire, coach and guide staff, leaders, students and parents using her experience and knowledge. A day with Di can ignite creativity – Her visits have been the catalyst for new fresh thinking and direction.”


    Marie Hunter, CEO Kemeneth MAT, Cornwall

    “There has been such fantastic feedback from Thursday from colleagues – ‘Inspirational’! ‘The best day’s training we have EVER had.’ ‘Can Di come back every year?’  ‘Absolutely brilliant.’  ‘The day just flew.’  ‘I remember so much of what she said’ – we have NEVER had evaluations like it.  My PA’s child’s bath time was MUCH less stressful for her – a snap of the fingers cured it!   The premises manager, who tried very hard to have to see visiting contractors that day, came to say he was so glad that I had discouraged this.  ‘I was wrong,’ he said.

    “The structure of your delivery was FANTASTIC!!!!!!  It was the most well-structured learning in which I have ever taken part.  You just got to the heart of the human condition, Di, and reached so many people here, including me, and helped us to start to understand why we react as we do.  These nuggets shone out amongst anecdotes and quips that would earn you a fantastic salary (back permitting) as a stand-up comedian.”


    Parent, via training course run at Penryn College

    “Thank you so much for last night, what a brilliant talk. I tried “I need you to unload the dishwasher for me now, thank you” and it worked. I didn’t get a word back, he just did it and again this morning, I am amazed!!!

    “I am spreading the word….”


    Amy Smith, Assistant Headteacher, Behaviour and Inclusion, Chessington Community College, London

    “Thank you so much for coming to CCC on Friday. The staff are so upbeat today and everybody is talking about your session. I asked for feedback and here are a few of the comments I received:

    • Again I really found this Inset useful and one of the best I have been on.
    • Just a quick email to say how fantastic the Inset was. I have never been inspired/motivated as much by one person before.
    • I feel really inspired and will definitely make changes to the way I teach
    • Just wanted to say thank you for arranging such a great Inset.  I know I am not the only one who found it enjoyable and interesting
    • I think people’s motivation and positivity was palpable.
    • Thanks for arranging this Inset – she was one of the best speakers I have heard on education”


    LB, Torpoint Community College
    I thought you were AWESOME yesterday – I got such a lovely email from H (child – name removed for privacy) after the meeting – I genuinely believe you just saved that girl’s life and she now stands a chance of a happy, healthy summer thanks to you. (I don’t think that I’m being overly dramatic!) Thank you sooo much.


    Cath Pavitt, Parent
    “I really wanted to contact you following our sessions to let you know how we are feeling and are getting along now that we are ‘going solo’!

    “After 8 years of appointments with various doctors, consultants & so called specialists in mental health, all to no avail, it was with a mixture of scepticism & desperation that we initially met with you.  We left that first session full of optimism & hope for the future. You had shown us a glimmer of light at the end of our very dark tunnel & you were very clear that our destination was achievable.

    “I genuinely felt that nobody could help us and that my daughter was to continue to live her life as a recluse. It is not easy to shine a light on serious errors that have resulted in such sadness and dysfunction. You were always so encouraging, understanding, thoughtful & compassionate while having such a keen sense of humour when called for. We never imagined that therapy could be fun! Sessions were always left with a positive focus on the week ahead & progress was enthusiastically celebrated & built upon.  As a family, we will be eternally grateful to you for getting us back on the right track.  Put quite simply, after 8 years of frustration & despair, therapy with you worked. Life is good!

    “With our all love and thanks”


    Danny Flynn, Curriculum Director for Technology. Alec Reed Academy Northolt, London

    “The training I received was an amazing insight into the adolescent brain. It helped me to fully understand and empathise with the young people in the Academy who undergo stressful situations. It has provided me with many ideas for how to further support them when brain arousal may be high, and this has really helped to build better and longer lasting positive relationships with the pupils.”


    Dan Mathers Assistant Headteacher for Teaching and Learning, Penryn College Cornwall.

    Thank you again for last week. I hope you have recovered! Staff really appreciated your thoughts and the key thing they have stressed to me is how empowering listening to you is. Your words literally ring in staffs’ ears at challenging moments and help us find better ways of supporting our young people.


    Laura Holt, Parent

    I can’t praise Di Lobbett highly enough. After years of heart-breaking anxiety our sons’ behaviour was becoming increasingly unmanageable. Di helped us to understand our son’s anxiety and too much power as the underlying causes for his behaviour. She taught us how to help him and has given him the confidence to help himself.
    I am so glad that Di was recommended to us. I felt that reaching out for help would label me as a failure but working with her has shown me that I’m an amazing mum and the bond with my son is now stronger than ever. With Di’s help, we have our son back, he’s happy, confident and smiling again.


    Tina Yardley, Wadebridge School

    I need to ask you, “Why would you not work with Di Lobbett and let her support your work in school with young people, parents, carers and staff?” Despite all the different pressures and new initiatives that we face each day, the emotional health and well-being of the young people in our care is paramount and working with Di ensures that this remains at the centre of any school improvement work that you do.

    Money has to be spent wisely and believe me when I say, that I would not do so, if I didn’t have 100% belief in the difference that Di can make to an individual, group or family. Her knowledge, skill, experience, intuition and passion are obvious when you meet her and watch her work, and I have been in this position for several years now.




Next Parenting Workshop

In The Press

Parents need the tools to take back control of unruly teens. Read Di’s article written for the Western Morning News.

Read the full article here

Martin Freeman reports on his experience at Di Lobbett’s “Teenage Taming Tactics” session, in his article for the Plymouth Herald.

Read the full article here