Anger is a mind state that occurs when the brain’s attention becomes transfixed on a perceived threat. The body responds by preparing to ‘save’ us, by getting us ready to fight or run.
The stress hormones Cortisol and Adrenaline surge around the body, both heart rate and blood pressure begin to rise, breathing becomes faster and deepens, blood is diverted from the organs to the muscles, and the whole body becomes primed for immediate action.
For sound survival reasons, thinking becomes very basic and primitive; ‘smart thinking’ is turned down or even off and primal, ‘base thinking’ takes over. Anger is a very powerful, primal state that can in some people, become quite addictive.
It is a myth that anger ‘just happens’. Whether you are teachers in schools or parents (or both!) understanding how anger works, the causes and triggers and how to work with children to enable them to control their anger is essential to both emotional health and a productive life.
Please contact me if this is something you would like to investigate.